日付表示を作るのにNSCalendar components:fromDateを使ってたんですが、バグでfromDateにnilが入ったらしくコンソール出力に変なメッセージが…
NSDateComponents *comps = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit | NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit |NSSecondCalendarUnit fromDate:nil];
2014-03-23 17:13:47.523 ■■■[492:a0b] *** -[__NSCFCalendar components:fromDate:]: date cannot be nil I mean really, what do you think that operation is supposed to mean with a nil date? An exception has been avoided for now. A few of these errors are going to be reported with this complaint, then further violations will simply silently do whatever random thing results from the nil. Here is the backtrace where this occurred this time (some frames may be missing due to compiler optimizations): ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x02199475 -[__NSCFCalendar components:fromDate:] + 101 1 CoreFoundation 0x0223596c -[_NSCopyOnWriteCalendarWrapper components:fromDate:] + 92 // 略 )